Everything is simple if we reduce them to fundamentals. This apt quotation materializes only at the hands of those who allow simplicity to perch at their sills. We are all too complexed by the infringement of materialistic flavour deep into our lives. A speck of introspection would reveal where we introduced unwanted adulteration, yet we never allow ourselves to stabilise.
The basis of stability has been disoriented to an extent beyond redemption. It, while representing only the riches never accounts for happiness through the channels of satisfaction. The mind, thought and body work in tandem and it is only when they are in sync do we truly and fundamentally rise towards inner solace and attain virtue. We are in a phase of constant struggle to liberate ourselves, to manifest the truth that we are, to elevate and realise the soul inside us. But in an age of acute distraction and pleasure forging derivatives- we loyally misplace ourselves.
The most fundamental aspect is we must live to enjoy the beauty that life is. A repentance is the defeat, an act of destruction and betrayal and subjugated is our spent life. Its marginalized.
A small story would clear the fettered emotions. A close acquaintance of mine stays near Dumdum in Kolkata and I went to her apartment once - a bright and airy one- on the 3rd floor. The day was unbearably cruel from the discomfortability factors' perspective- hot, humid and silent- without a trace of air. Climbing three floors and if bestowed with no electricity would have been the last nail on the coffin. Luckily, the coffins were no where near that day. In the meantime came the cooking gas delivery man and promptly completed his assignment. Being humane, the lady of the apartment offered him a cold refreshing glass of rasna with ice cubes floating at the behest of Archimedes- definitely a good proposition considering the effort of the nature to corner its perpetrators. But the delivery man's sense of control over his senses puzzled me. He never for a moment seemed to be oversubscribed with joy for being offered- he requested just plain water with a spoonful of sugar and a pinch of salt- and politely turned down the lucrative.
Many a inferences we can draw. To me its more like having knowledge of your desires and its interference with inner soul. Let us kindle our buried withins and pose a few thoughtful questions:
i) Do we need all the wealth we are channelizing (my friends! wealth is a man-made concoction that fizzles at the mere blink of nature)?
ii) Of what use is travelling throughout the world when we are yet to traverse within us!
iii) Where shall we head towards or allow our actions to roam about for stability?
Hats off Prem Bhai
ReplyDeleteAwesome! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks guys/gals.... :D